Bora Bora....

Running the Coast Line in Bora Bora....

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Training is Coming Along Slowly

Well, another week and not enough training.......It was Spring Break this past week and the family came out to LA for 5 days.  Needless to say it was a little challenging getting in work outs were a challenge.  I did manage to get in about 25 miles of running...1/2 on trails and 1/2 on roads.  I'm not breaking any land speed records but making progress on my road to recovery.  The hamstring is coming along, but still tight.

On the Thursday trail run out in Monrovia a colleague of mine and I hit the trails at around 6AM.  At the turnaround on the canyon trails we ran across a mountain lion about 25-30 yards from us on a ridge above us.  It was a full moon and needless to say I will not be doing that run EVER by myself and most likely NEVER again at dawn or dusk.  Of the more than 100 runs in Denver I had never seen a mountain lion on the trails, although there were many sightings.  Seeing a big cat's huge yellow eyes in your headlamp is actually pretty scary shit.  We backed out of sight slowly then booked it out of there.

Friday night I managed to get in a 3 mile fast pace run on the treadmill followed by core and light weight training.  I'm trying to build a solid base going into the Leadman and then for the Summer DR.  The Leadman is going to be a serious beat down session for me.  I've only actually been on the bike 4 times since IM AZ....not good.

Today I hit Percy Warner Park with Michael Moore, a Summer Death Racer.  The trails were sloppy after an all night rain, so we got in 3 miles on the trails and 5 miles on the road.  Prior to the Syracuse game I got in a nice 20 mile ride on the bike.  I'm averaging 19-20 mph on my last two trips out, which is kind of my average for this track that I ride, but it is taking a lot of effort and certainly not sustainable for 70 miles.

Tired tonight and getting up early tomorrow morning to make a pot roast and going to get in 500 burpees before going to East Sunday church with the family.

Signing off....Cheers!



  1. You did not do your BURPEES today!!!! Must do BURPEES tomorrow!!! ;) Happy Easter & thanks for cooking an awesome Easter dinner.

    1. Correct, no burpees yesterday. Cooking the roast beast was a higher priority as was going to Easter Sunday service....Today however, is another day. Going to get in a nice long work out and then crash after work.

  2. Hey, you should carry a Mountain Lion bell next time!...You will never see me running those trails!

