I arrived into Pittsfield around 4:30PM today. All three checks bags made the journey successfully via SWA. Made it to the hardware and grocery store. Everything was laid out and organized, now only need to decide what goes into my back pack and what goes into my fanny pack.
Below is the mandatory gear list that includes a saw, chopsticks, knitting needles, a life vest, a bag of human hair (Sadie's :), pink swim cap, ax bandages, medical tape, a black compression shirt, pens, paper and clippings from a bonsai tree....oh yeah, I forgot the damn 5 gallon bucket. Need to run out to Home Depot in the am to get it.

All packed and ready for tomorrow. There simply is no substitute for preparation. I will remain flexible and in a great state of mind and will focus on having fun during every task that they throw at us. There is no question, this is going to be a very very tough race. Only 10% are expected to finish. My goal is to outlast the other 90%...position myself for a decent finish. We shall see. Cheers!
Good luck...cool pre-race pics...especially the bag of Sadie's hair!!!!