Bora Bora....

Running the Coast Line in Bora Bora....

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Training on Hold.....

Traveling every week has pros and cons. Certainly the cons stack up and the pros are a stretch. One of the cons is being in planes and in hotels that house colonies of germs. I'm surprised that I'm not sick all of the time with the work schedule, training regimen and overall lack of a good 8 hours of sleep on a consistent basis.

Well, this past week I picked up a cold virus that has made its way to my chest and it's kicking my ass! I did manage to get in a good swim and 20 miles or so of running, however, no way I can continue training.

Below is a picture of the patient room at the Vanderbilt Walk in Clinic. I've had X-rays taken, blood drawn and all of the other pomp and circumstance completed and now waiting to see the Doc.

About 12 years ago I had pneumonia that spun out of control due to my lack of experience and recognizing the symptoms as well as several Docs that had their heads up their asses. So what I learned is to take control of the process. I did this today. Established a base line with X-rays and white cell counts. Both showed areas of concern. White cells were elevated showing a high likelihood of bacterial infection and white shadows on my lungs associated with early stages of pneumonia. Not what I wanted to hear but glad that I went and got it looked at. The docs put me on Doxicyclene. So we'll see if my temperature will drop and my lungs start to clear up.

If in 24 hours this does not improve I'm headed back to get a shot of Rocephin and some levaquin. Till then need to chill out. Think I've caught it early this time. We'll more training till I'm appreciably better.


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