Bora Bora....

Running the Coast Line in Bora Bora....

Friday, March 11, 2011

Blogging at 30,000 Feet

Yesterday, got in a short swim at the JWM pool, chilly water temps in the low 70's. Post swim, stretched and got in a 3 mile run on the treadmill. Started with a 9/mile then got down to a 6:15/mile and felt really really good. Interesting that I noticed that I was over pronating with my left foot, which is the cause of itb I am going to focus on this and get it corrected, while I strengthen hips,gluts, etc. After all those miles, still learning.....

This am went for a walk along Biscayne Bay and then used the foam roller on the ITB. This afternoon did hill repeats to prep for the hills of STX, minus the heat. Long week, headed to the club for a nice dinner and then getting 8 hours of sleep, a first this week.....

Tomorrow hopefully will get in a long ride and a 3 mile run....Need at least a 3 hour workout....Cheers!


  1. suspiciously quiet on the blog....

  2. I guess you've got to be conscious of that foot pronation. Like you say, "It's all mental". Leadville Rocks!

    Check out my post on Rocky: How to get back up:

    See you Saturday,

